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Kindergarten » Melany Porter

Melany Porter

I am excited to be teaching kindergarten at the best school in Lovejoy ISD - Puster Elementary!  This will be my 11th year in Lovejoy and my 25th year teaching - mostly in kindergarten.  My passion is teaching.  I love the sweet hugs, stories they share and learning with them.  I am truly "invested" in my children's lives as their teacher and strive to have a classroom where they feel safe, loved and cared for.  Once in my class, always my student and in my heart. 
I grew up in Tyler, Texas and graduated from Texas A&M University. Gig 'Em!!  I am married to Steve and we have have 3 kids.  Ayden will be a Sophomore at UNT, Jackson is a freshman at UNT and Isabella is in 8th grade.  Guess you can say that I am an Aggie at heart but my actual heart is at the University of North Texas! We have a sweet, rescue puppy named Bailey who we are all madly in love with! 
My favorite vacation spot is the beach - we love Florida beaches.  
I look forward to another great year in kindergarten and making some new friends - both students and parents.